viernes, 22 de enero de 2010

talking about me, the jungle guide

My name is Fredy Dominguez,i am 29 years old, live in Cusco, yes, just next to Machupicchu the new world wonder,
i grew up in the jungle (MANU NATIONAL PARK), in a small village if you call 5 houses a village, it is located next to the river Madre de Dios and river Carbon, when a kid, i used to swim both rivers,...yes like "mogly;)" you could find some interesting my child life, being to 9 km. far away from the village where to find a secondary school level, i had to walk and swim, walk and swim to get the school every day, what i can say about this... it was really funny!, I lived my childhood feeling me important, i mean, the protagonist of the movie, you know, the one who has to solve the problems, basically against nature, i used to think, We were weak against the nature and you had to be good to be over, sometimes too much of sun, sometimes too much of water, big rivers, strong storms, swamps, etc,. the thing is, living in the jungle and getting better enough everyday to continue was...was really cool ;)
After the secondary level of the school i moved to Cusco, which is a medium size town (aprox. half a million people)where i studied tourism at the university, it is 5 years studying, after that i started to work for a company as seller and jungle guide, it will sound to you like the same history, but it was like that, after 5 years of work, they did not pay me all my salary... jeje, so, I decided to move to another company where to work, unfortunately, even when they paid me well, i felt that i could not just follow orders, especially when the orders do not make sense, so i decide to work only as jungle guide for any company, being guide i felt well, because i was in charge of tourists and workers during the trips, but, again, i was in charge only of the program of the companies, that way you can not do too much, for example if not enough food, if not good transport, or not good programs, etc, so, i decided to make my own company, it is a small company "GREEN LAND PERU TRAVEL AGENCY". Now i organize and provide all the services for my tours in the AMAZON JUNGLE,
when working as guide, it helps a lot of have lived in this jungle, but also is very important my university education because only that way i learned to make a plan to avoid all the negative impact on nature, and i hope to be better every time.
Because, ironically the things have changed, i mean, now i need more preparation for doing my amazon trips without disturbing too much the jungle, NOW THE AMAZON IS FRAGIL, We can easily disturb the Amazon and lost it, We need to conserve the nature, specially for me, because it is my home and I will always work here (I hope to have the jungle for my future and my family and friends) , and for you, because it is a great place to enjoy a home for biodiversity and hopes for life.


Fredy Dominguez Valdivia

Manager/Naturalist guide

Green Land Peru

Oficina: CALLE HERRAJES Nº 146
Telf: 51-84-316412
Movil phone: 51-84-984353585


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